The Shut Ins were formed in 2020 during the height of the early Covid-19 lockdowns.
Pre-vaccine, isolated in family groups and pods we tentatively started laying down tracks at my home studio in Laguna Beach, supervised by Music Dog Kai.
This first iteration comprised entirely of Orange County locals. Bobby Cohen, Juanita Mankuleo and Anu Worah on vocals. Parthiv Worah played drums and bass, while I played guitars, and recorded,mixed and produced. Some of our songs are collected on the EP 'ONE'.
Later that year, I reconnected with my high school friend and bandmate Mitesh Asher (now in Pittsburgh). Mitesh and I had formed Chakk's Funeral at St. Xavier's College, Mumbai in the '80s and we decided to pick up where we left off over 30 years ago covering the songs we loved.
A sampling of these is on the EP 'TWO'.
We've continued to record together even though we're no longer locked down and 'Shut In'
and a recent collection of songs is on the EP 'THREE'.
Down Stream Blues is our latest single.